Krosmaster Arena: Frigost

Jouets à rabais
Prix de détail :
49,95 $ CA
Prix :
42,95 $ CA
Krosmaster Arena: Frigost
The Frozen Continent
Stuck in an endless winter, Frigost has seen its hero turned into a pariah. Today, Gallifree Yan de Harebourg is the most wanted person on the continent, because it's his fault things are as cold as they are! And in the arena, Count Harebourg's fighting style will send shivers down your spine...
New arenas, new backgrounds, new demonic rewards, new mob tokens, frozen markers... This extension will make you shiver with delight!
Included in the expansion are:
- 1 double-sided game board
- 1 exclusive figure with card
- 18 scenery elements
- 15 summons tokens
- 72 demonic rewards tokens
- 33 frozen markers
- 1 18-page rulebook
Catégorie : Puzzles & Jeux
Sous-catégorie :
Jeux de société
Fabricant : Global Games Distribution
UPC : 3760162392487
Mot(s) clé(s) :
Tous les jouets
Dimensions : 27.5 x 26.0 x 6.0 cm Poids : 968 Âge : 13 ans + Quantité disponible : 12
Jouets à rabais
Prix de détail :
49,95 $ CA
Prix :
42,95 $ CA
Stuck in an endless winter, Frigost has seen its hero turned into a pariah. Today, Gallifree Yan de Harebourg is the most wanted person on the continent, because it's his fault things are as cold as they are! And in the arena, Count Harebourg's fighting style will send shivers down your spine...
New arenas, new backgrounds, new demonic rewards, new mob tokens, frozen markers... This extension will make you shiver with delight!
Included in the expansion are:
- 1 double-sided game board
- 1 exclusive figure with card
- 18 scenery elements
- 15 summons tokens
- 72 demonic rewards tokens
- 33 frozen markers
- 1 18-page rulebook
Catégorie : Puzzles & Jeux
Sous-catégorie :
Jeux de société
Fabricant : Global Games Distribution
UPC : 3760162392487
Mot(s) clé(s) :
Tous les jouets
Dimensions : 27.5 x 26.0 x 6.0 cm
Poids : 968
Âge : 13 ans +
Quantité disponible : 12
Jouets à rabais
Prix de détail :
49,95 $ CA
Prix :
42,95 $ CA