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L'enfant et le chat
Libby Hathorn, Gregory Rogers

Bargain Books
List Price: CAN$ 19.95
Price: CAN$ 13.95
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Language : French
Format :  Hardcover
ISBN : 9782871420811
CategoryChildren's Books
Subcategories : Illustrated story book
Dimension : 23.50 x 31.20 x 0.80 cm
Publisher :  Mijade
Publication Date : 1998-03-01
Author(s) : Libby Hathorn, Gregory Rogers
Series : L'enfant et le chat
Age Range : 3+ years
Pages : 24
Weight : 458 g
Condition : Like New
Quantity : 12
Bargain Books
List Price: CAN$ 19.95
Price: CAN$ 13.95
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